Admission Counseling

IRISH provide one to one counseling session for students and parents to select their study destination abroad. We consider student academic background, preferred course and county, and financial affordability. IRISH provides honest and fair counseling to aspiring students and guides them which course/country will be best for them as per their preferences. For us, its not a file, it’s a life depending on us to make the right decision at right time!

Student Visa Assistance & Appeals

This is most critical service we provide to our students. Good & strong visa application will decide your future. So make it count and take best service to have your visa application prepared with all loose ends addressed! Visa applications include information about student profile, financial details of sponsors, student ties with home country & what benefits student will get with a degree abroad. Your visa application will speak itself in front of visa officer as you may not be there to answer questions of visa officers. Irish also prepare students for student visa interviews ( In UK these are called Credibility Interviews ).

Scholarships Abroad

Everybody wants a Scholarship! Right! We do have partial scholarships & discounts at our partner institutions abroad. Generally, you must have a good GPA, a strong academic profile & good English proficiency proved by an approved English Test. Financial support also comes like free accommodation, fee reduction, and a discounted fee for a subsequent year of your degree if you are going for an undergraduate degree. We do not have full scholarships though.